The Yankees of Mediocrity Had Their Own Strange Charisma –

I’m going to make this one the Must Read Of The Day.  Those of you in your early 40’s, or I suppose in your late teens, will find a kindred spirit here, believe it or not.

I share not to mock the late 60’s Yankees, but because I understand what it’s like to root when all the front-runners are at the shiny place in the other part of town.

All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.

In 1965, when I was 7, the Yankees finished under .500 for the first time since 1925 — years before my father’s birth.

In 1966, when I was 8, they came to a thud in last place for the first time since 1912 — so deep in the past that they were known then as the Highlanders, fielding a team with names like Hippo Vaughn, Cozy Dolan and Klondike Smith.

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