Mets Police 90′s Week: The voice of the 90′s Mets – Fran Healy

You know how pretty much everything I have posted about the Mets of the 1990’s seems a disaster?  You know how the current Mets broadcasters are really good?

Well, now imagine a scenario so bad that it could even make Howie Rose inadequate.  This was Sportschannel.

My memory is fuzzy as to who was in the booth when or which years were Sportschannel or which were FSNY, but my brain is telling me Howie was anchored by Fran Healy.  All my mind can hear is a sudden scream of EXT-RUH BAY-SIS and an otherwise mundane call of the game.

Howie would not find his greatness until he returned to radio.

Rusty Staub was often in the booth and well – I like Rusty and don’t want him to beat me up.  Did I Mention he is a great chef?

If you have any good memories of 1990’s era telecasts I’d love to hear them.  Double dog dare.

2 Replies to “Mets Police 90′s Week: The voice of the 90′s Mets – Fran Healy”

  1. I have watched the Mets on TV and listened to them on the radio since 1962. Out of all the announcers (and some were so-so), the only one that made me cringe was Fran Healy. I always thought Lindsey Nelson was the best on TV.

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