6 Replies to “Mets Fans Upset by Tailgate Beer Crackdown at Citi Field – Yahoo! News”

  1. It is illegal to consume alcohol in all NYC public parks, streets and areas. The parking lot is not Mets, Wilpon, Sterling Equities or Citi Field private property.
    Sometimes it is hard for people to grasp this simple concept.

    1. Are you serious DIRTDART? Fans have been consuming BEER in that parking lot since the 60s. Now an unannounced crackdown is performed and your supportive?
      You must be on NYPD payroll!

  2. This is not a new policy. The police have been giving out these tickets for many years. A friend of mine got one in 1999.

  3. The Mets don’t dictate what the NYPD does. This is based on whoever is in charge if the NYPD stadium detail this year, not the Mets. They’ve been writing summonses to drinkers in the parking lot every season. It’s as simple as this, get plastic solo cups and pour your beer in it, then you won’t be bothered. Stop blaming the Mets for everything. <—not directed at Shannon.

  4. I like what someone said in the comment section…buy a six pack and pay the fine and it’s still cheaper than buying beer inside.

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