Becca’s Balls on Banner Day

A longer than usual excerpt but…..THIS


Mets, thanks for Banner Day. You gave me hope of turning a 6 yr old into a fan.

We walked onto the warning track and he just looked around – he walked aimlessly as he took it all in.  That made his day.  He saw the press box, and got a pic with the scoreboard behind him. We get to the judges, and the great KB tried to talk to him, but poor James just hid behind our banner.  That’s OK – KB talked to my nephew. It was a good moment, one that I hope he remembers.  Once we got out of there it was time to catch up with everyone, and get some foooooood.

There were so many other things that made the day great. But really, it all started with reviving a tradition – the great tradition of Banner Day.  I was able to tell James about Gil Hodges, and Buddy Harrelson, and Rusty Staub, and Keith Hernandez, and Doc. And he saw the greatness of David Wright and how amazin’ our fans are.  THIS is how lifelong fans are made.  By an aunt loving the team introducing the Mets to kids in her life; by her friends embracing it too.  By having a day where we feel we are part of it.

I know, there were only 99 of us this year.  Extenuating circumstances (last year was a holiday weekend with PERFECT weather). We love this team – we are loyal.  Pay us back, and help us enjoy time trying to turn the kids in our lives into Mets fans.  I hope to see us all on the field next year – with bigger and better banners.

via Becca’s Balls.