Olbermann on why people aren’t watching the World Series

I have watched half an inning of the post-season.  Thursday night I remembered it was on, tried to figure out what was up with the beards.  Got bored.

5 Replies to “Olbermann on why people aren’t watching the World Series”

  1. Technology plays a role, too. I know for me, it was much easier to care about other teams back in the days of one national network game each on Saturday afternoon and Monday night, and beyond that, having to scan newspaper box scores and pull in distant AM feeds to get my Mets fix. Keeping up with the Mets inherently meant keeping up with MLB as a whole. Even after the dawn of ESPN, that meant watching an hour of Baseball Tonight to see the 2 minutes of highlights about which I cared most. Now, that’s not the case. I have a satellite package that allows me to watch nothing but Mets from 5:30 to 9:30 every night of the summer and there exists as much Mets-centric web content as I care to read on a given day. With that, the rest of baseball just kinda fades into the background, and come October, I suddenly find myself trying to care about teams to whom I’ve paid no attention all summer.

    It’s weird. I spend more time watching and reading about baseball now than ever, but as it’s all directed toward one team, I actually know less about MLB than ever.

  2. Football also has the less is more benefit. Casual fans bore of baseball’s daily schedule. Every football game is a big event, and the SuperBowl, being just one big game catches a lot more casual eyeballs than baseball.

  3. Many reasons for the decline but baseball/WS now has so much more TV competition (cable, satellite, internet, etc) than it did when I was growing up. When there were fewer choices World Series (and playoffs) viewing was a more collective activity by the masses, young and old. Competition from other sports also has affected viewership in my opinion.

  4. Well they have certainly lost the future generation of kids watching -they can’t stay up

    They have lost almost all the Eastern time zone-they can’t stay up till the end

    Games are ridiculously to long!

  5. No one’s watching anything anymore…


    Shameful Shannon that you didn’t watch any of the postseason. Some incredible pitching. And after I donated to your fundraiser…

    We have 5 months of no baseball, I had to soak every last bit of it up, well till I fell asleep like FL Met fan noted. I TRIED but the melodious musings of Buck and McCarver just put this kid to bed.

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