11 Replies to “Gothamist writes about the mall”

  1. Ceetar metspolice I pretty much ignore all news of redevelopment since the EPA report that it is the most polluted area in America.

  2. metspolice I’ve been following it closely. Heck, I’d even participate in a rally against sterling/Wilpons to develop the area.

  3. Ceetar metspolice Exactly. While Willits Point needed to be cleaned out, the methods are not shocking. This is what rich devlp and Gov do

  4. metspolice I do believe that remediating the area will be a very expensive task. You’re talking of decades worth of pollution

  5. .7thInningZO you all miss the story every time. The story is that the parking lot parkland can only be developed by the owners of the mets

  6. .metspolice get that part but how can we overturn what bloomberg did? All we can do is root for the pollution to make project out of budget

  7. .7thInningZO there’s nothing to be done. But understand the main biz is real estate not worrying about shortstops. This is not George S.

  8. metspolice Read the entire piece. It’s hot garbage. Inaccuracies abound, mixed with sensationalism and suspect sources.

  9. metspolice just to make it clear, I do not or ever have defended the Wilpons. I want them gone as much as the next guy

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