41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #27: let us move down

Here’s what we’re doing. We are crowdsourcing 41 ideas for the Mets. The ideas can be big or small. Email me your idea at [email protected]. Today’s idea is from Dpdougla


When there are no one in the stands, let the fans move their seats closer to the field. Why should we all be separated from each other. Mets fans need to unite together well the few of us that will stick around after this Alderson regime. Thanks



This is a complicated one since if you actually paid for “first class” it is annoying when some bozo from coach gets a seat in 2A.

But maybe the Mets could invite folks down to the seats in front of the bridge or something.  I dunno, there has to be a middle ground solution.

@ouijum also weighed in on this one…


Let the fans move down! I’m sure you’ll get a lot of suggestions along this line. I think that letting fans move to better seats, especially during blowouts or when the stadium is mostly empty, would improve team/fan relations drastically.

Obviously they have to restrict this somehow, lest they devalue their more expensive seats, but I think a balance can be struck.

My thought: in the 7th inning, either during the stretch or right before, announce that all fans can move down one level.

The fancy people get to feel fancy for a couple of hours, and the great unwashed get to watch the game’s ending from slightly better seats.

Common sense restrictions apply—we can’t do this if the game’s sold out—but on days where there’s obviously less than 5,000 people in the ballpark, it’s cruel to restrict us to the upper tank. —W.M. Akers, @ouijum…..