41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #30: Carnival


phillies april 3 2010 047

Here’s what we’re doing. We are crowdsourcing 41 ideas for the Mets. The ideas can be big or small. Email me your idea at [email protected]. Today’s idea is from Adam


Create a carnival atmosphere somewhere (right outside the Rotunda, Shea Bridge, etc.). I went to a game at Fenway and they have Yawkey Way closed to cars. There was a guy on stilts, an old player (Met/Red Sox Skip Lockwood! – no glasses, must be wearing contacts now) signing free autographs, a booth for throwing pitches and a speed gun. Can’t we have that here.

One Reply to “41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #30: Carnival”

  1. Only problem is Yawkey Way was built off the surrounding businesses and unless the Mets get rid of the chop shops in Iron City across from McFaddens and build a similar atmosphere there’s no where to have their own Yawkey Way or whatever they’d call it. I definitely would love to see that happen though because I’ve been to Fenway too and love Yawkey Way!

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