Crisp Fake Pennant Race game leaves Mets fan with free TV time

homer couch

Wow, a game ended at 9:36pm!

I didn’t know what to do with myself last night. The game was crisp and enjoyable and even fun at times – the antithesis of everything this team had been for most of the year.  2:26 baseball is way better than 4:07 baseball.

I have been mocking the hell out of the Fake Pennant Race, and hey they are still 8 out, 9 in the loss column, and 7 under .500 – but I asked for a MUST SWEEP and so far so good.  Oh Nations, why must you ruin everything!

The Fake Pennant Race at least keeps the team watchable, even if THE MATH will never make a run plausible…but it’s easier to delude yourself at 8 back than 14 back.

Back to THE MATH – last night is a perfect example.  The Mets are doing what they needed to do…but there are multiple teams in front of you.  You beat up on the Braves and the Nationals go ahead and take the lead.  So they didn’t make up ground.  Eventually you run out of games.

As for TV here is the catch-up roundup:

24:  I feel like it’s the same thing every week.  Jack yells at people and everyone is a mole.

The Leftovers:  Disappointing after 2 episodes.  In danger of DVR cancelation but will give it some rope because of pedigree.

Tyrant:  Surprisingly good

Halt and Catch Fire: tried twice to get into episode 3 and couldn’t.  This is in danger of DVR cancelation.

The Universe:  my number-one go to show for “man I need something to knock me out.”  Into Whatever with Morgan Freeman is a good backup when the stash of Universe on the DVR runs out.

Mets Season 53:  uninspired plots, needs some fresh characters.  The least interesting season of this show in years and years.