Get yourself a snazzy @the7line #imwith28 t-shirt 2.0

For those who give a hoot and know that MetsPolice did #imwith28 shirts a few years back….calm down, Darren and I are friends and for whatever its worth I blessed/signed-off or whatever not pompous language for it would be.  What I’m saying is its not like I was blindsided by this.  Quite the opposite, I think it’s great.  And as I have said before, I don’t want anything from Murph.  I have in case I want to use it but if he wants it he can have it.  I just enjoy his ball playing.

And with that….buy this.  Hopefully one will fall off the T7L truck when Darren isn’t looking.

t7l 28 shirt


In other news, I am hearing there will be a Queens Baseball Convention announcement on Thursday.  Some people are speculating that it will be held January 10th, but that is unconfirmed by cagey insiders.