Jeff should promote Cyclones Guy to Queens

Did you ever notice every Cyclones promotion is awesome? Wouldn’t it be awesome if Queens could be awesome? Promote whoever controls awesome in Brooklyn and just let he or she do his or her thing. And I want to use awesome again in this post. Awesome.

Seriously, I did an image search for Brooklyn on my own site (from over the years) and here’s what came up.  All of this is fun.

cyclones irish night jersey 2014 cyclones with jersey cyclones hockey jersey cyclones jewish night jersey green irish cyclones cap lj mazzilli brooklyn cyclones jersey MetsPolice Baracklyn Cyclones Bobblehead cyclones tie dye 2 backman cyclones

7 Replies to “Jeff should promote Cyclones Guy to Queens”

  1. metspolice you think they get more creative freedom in the minors? Or maybe the COO (Jeff) is micromanaging the the marketing?

  2. .JLL313 there is for sure more freedom in the minors – I doubt mlb could get as loose with jerseys as minors do.

  3. .JLL313 and i know for a fact many things we take as “stupid Mets” is actually “stupid MLB / stupid MLBAM”

  4. .JLL313 however someone is coming up with Seinfeld night and Beach Party etc and that guy works for Jeff…so promote him to Queens.

  5. metspolice they had a Seinfeld day awhile back but nowhere on the level of the event in Bk. I’m always impressed by the SF Giants promos

  6. metspolice I think they missed out on an opportunity with Sharknado2, but maybe SyFy wasn’t willing to do more

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