The Wilpon Family Holds the New York Mets Hostage | 2 Guys Talking Mets Baseball

Is this what you wanted Mets fans?
Is this what you wanted Mets fans?

Finally!  Finally someone gets it!  Great read and please do.

The Mets do not have to be good for the Wilpon family to control the land. They don’t even have to be profitable. They just have to belong to them.

Once you understand that, it all makes sense.

via The Wilpon Family Holds the New York Mets Hostage | 2 Guys Talking Mets Baseball.

2 Replies to “The Wilpon Family Holds the New York Mets Hostage | 2 Guys Talking Mets Baseball”

  1. If this is all true, and I believe it likely is (as you must also since you posted it), how about using the 2015 Queens Baseball Convention to organize fan outrage into something that would put real, effective heat on the Wilpons. Otherwise, all we are doing is reading infuriating articles, watching interior baseball, and continuing to be held hostage as fans by these goons who have taken our team away from us.

  2. It is a nightmare. If that mall gets built, I don’t think I want to ever go near that park again. As it is, I go to one game a year now, only if I can get firesale or free tickets. Shea will now be a Walmart.

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