Here’s your first look at a 2015 Mets jersey of sorts..but is it The Change?

Thanks to @hom713 for being eagle eyes and spotting this at the MLB Shop.

Now I’m comparing red apples to yellow apples here so remain calm.  This first jersey is labeled as a “Alternate 2 Cool Base” – it is under a section called “Cool Base” and does not say authentic or replica…but the pricing suggests it’s replica-equivalent.  Note there is no Mr. Met patch on the sleeve.

mets 2015 cool base 2


And here is the front (of a generic not the Wright).

mets 2015 cool base alt 2 uniform

However, the 2014 replica on the website does not have Mr. Met either.   We could freak out about the color difference or the way the orange line slopes at the neck, but I write that all off to the internet being fast and loose with images.  Note the 2015 Cool Base has an MLB logo, this does not.

mets 2014 replica


Next we have a screen grab of a 2014 from the authentic section.  Again we’re seeing yet different blue and I will write that up to the Interwebs not caring.

2014 authentic mets


So, what have we learned?  Probably nothing unless you think not having the Majestic logo on the sleeve is The Change. (@mostlynoles says he can see a majestic logo.  I’m fine either way).

I have heard something else but have to sit on my blue cap for now.  I’ll probably do what I always do which is do nothing until Paul Lukas from Uni Watch swings by and tells me that I completely missed XXX and just link to him.  Ha.

Also in case you are wondering, in MLBShopSpeak…

“Alternate Home 1” = pinless

“Alternate Home 2” = blue

“Alternate Home 3” = black

“Alternate Home Camo” = well, you know.