The predicted Mets ticket discounts continue (Buy One, Get One for April May)

Big thanks to @davidlevy94 who spotted this one.

Buy one, Get one free for April and May.  So yesterday we saw the $5 promotion, and now this.

So, say you used to have a Saturday plan but discontinued it, but you wanted to go to a Saturday game.  Here is what it might look like.  I did not complete the purchase because I have no interest in Saturday night games in April and May.  Stupid Schedule.  Plus, I have totally had it with FEES.

The link is here and the password is DONUTS.  No really, the password is DONUTS.


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2 Replies to “The predicted Mets ticket discounts continue (Buy One, Get One for April May)”

  1. FYI, last year this same discount was extended at the end of May through July and at the end of July through the end of the season. So tickets are half price, no need to renew my 40 game plan.

  2. Hey Guys….Without a plan, there are no Post-Season Tickets.
    Hope you can live with that.

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