The Narrative and the Mets press


Sometimes I wonder if the mainstream media actually watches Mets games or they only react to what is in front of them. Media Goon referred to this as The Narrative.

This morning, and quite predictably, and quite late, The Narrative has changed.

The Narrative had been that Matt Harvey was Tom Seaver. Old curmudgeons like me reacted poorly to that given that Matt was barely over .500 in his career (you millennials can take your Pitcher Wins argument over to Amazin’ Avenue) and that maybe we could wait a season or two before anointing Matt as The Franchise.

This morning, the newspapers have all sorts of Matt Harvey articles.  Quite predictably they have turned on him now.

There are also some positive Daniel Murphy articles.  For years Daniel Murphy was THE WORST PLAYER EVER, some even called him a Net Negative, and the MSM tried to run him out of town for Hall of Famer Ike Davis, can’t miss prospect Dilson Herrera, and even Brad Emaus whose name I don’t even know how to spell.

Do I think Murph will hit .400?  No.  Thats so hard to do.  I can’t believe he got it back over .400 last night (cough cough, home run off Harvey) as you have to go 2 for 5 every day all summer.  That’s hard. But Murph can rake, and now the MSM is OK writing about it.

And this is all predictable.  Murph could hit all along.  You all overrated Matt from the start, understandably because it was a glimmer of hope after the Madoff disaster.  Surely now in the daylight hours you can tell he isn’t even close to being the best pitcher on his own team, never mind The Franchise.

So let me help the newspapers with the stories they will eventually get around to….

David Wright is done.  The fans all see it.  We watch the games.  We’re all sad about it, we don’t want it to be true, but we all see it.   David will have to have a 5 strikeout game or make a bad play at the wrong time and then the articles will come.  Predictably so.

The Lucas Duda Panic articles will come.

Hell, you can combine it all and panic on Duda, declare Wright done, and then whip it all together with the “Why didn’t the Mets sign Murph to play 1B/3B” article.  That article will come.

Depending on Matz, the “what if this is Generation K” panic article will come.  Or Matz will throw a shutout and the writers will use Matz to throw more shade on The Franchise II.

All boring, all predictable.

Wait until everyone finally comes around on how instant replay in baseball sucks.  I have been shouted down on twitter about that for two years but I see everyone coming around, like you always do.’

Form your own opinions.  Use your eyes.  You watch the games, you should be way ahead of the papers on all this stuff.

Don’t follow The Narrative

While we’re talking – the people that booed Harvey and/or the Mets last night likely starting rooting for the Mets again last August.  We all know who those Big Fans are.  It wasn’t you, it wasn’t me, it wasn’t the t-shirt enthusiasts, it wasn’t Faith & Fear, it was the Big Mets fan who only likes the Mets when they win.  They probably own 4 Harvey jerseys and are now booing him.