eBay: Over The Top Ridiculous Mets Knockoff.

People keep asking me about these rumors that Media Goon is coming back to Mets Police.  I don’t know anything about it.  It’s getting to the point where it’s like David Lee Roth/Sammy Hagar/Van Halen rumors.  Damned if I know if he’s coming back or not.  He’s probably out invading some stadium with his t-shurt friends.  On the other hand, I was reportedly seen wearing an M t-shirt so who knows what’s going on.

Anyway, Goon is on this awesome mission to call out folks making knockoff jerseys and selling them on eBay.  He’s wildly entertaining, and recently blogged one of his adventures.  Tell Goon hi if you see him and read the link below the picture.

Source: eBay: Over The Top Ridiculous Mets Knockoff.