Can the Mets wear first responder caps or orange undershirts? It’s the new CBA!

The new Collective Bargaining Agreement is out.  Let’s review the rules.

Hey David Wright/Asdrubel Cabrera looks pretty snazzy with his orange undershirt.  Can he wear it?   NO.

Is this a non-matching undershirt or two compression sleeves?

Well surely MLB must have rules about these ridiculous colored compression sleeves.  NO.  Color is not mentioned.

Ok let’s get to it.  Can the Mets wear first responder caps?  Well…NO.

But what if they did anyway?  What would happen?  Well – they would get…..A WARNING….oooh a WARNING

So…I say the Mets wear first responder caps and then take the warning.  And leak the warning to the newspapers.  I’m sure public sentiment in NYC will back the Mets.

Of course if the Yankees do this they’ll probably get away with it.

The Mets are off on Monday September 11, but they are home on September 10.    Do it Mets.