Mets Police Morning Laziness: not much thanks to ESPN

SLACKISH REACTION:  ESPN wasted everyone’s afternoon and we all putzed until 9pm and then they finally rained it out.

Why does SNB even exist? (Money).  NOBODY likes it.  It does not grow the sport.  You never hear anyone say “oh I gotta watch Cubs-Cardinals later” unless they are a fan of one of those teams. The start times screw with the biggest part of the country.  The people who do watch are people that stare at Anything Sports. If you put on Big 3 Basketball or Australian Football (Monday Afternoon Football live from Melbourne, lets do it!) it would do just as well.

It is July 23rd.  The Mets are in last place.  Dom Smith has ONE RBI.  Todd Block Frazier has a .685 OPS.

By now you probably heard Thor went to the DL with hand, foot and mouth disease.

Meanwhile, The Dark Knight Returned Yet Again and well...not so good..
