Mets Police Morning Laziness: Frazier, Harvey and some deep dish pizza

Shocking development:  The Newspaper has an article about Todd Frazier (.665 OPS after last night’s one for three) that does not mention New Jersey or the LLWS!  Holy crap!!!

SLACKISH REACTION:  I dunno.  Seems like Wheeler was good.  I am still out of town.   I came back to my room after getting pizza and connected the sling box for like an inning and then was like What The Hell Are You Doing, and since it was only 6:30 I walked over to the beach.   By the time I got back at 9 Central the game was over.  Man I wish the Mets would change their start times to 6:10 Eastern so games would be over by 9, it is paradise.  I know that won’t happen, but 6:40 could.  Do that Mets.

WHEN WILL MLB TAKE THE YANKEES AWAY FROM THE STEINBRENNERS?  I am still not over the dumbass Deadspin article that thinks you can take a $2 Billion asset away from someone because they haven’t make the World Series since 2015.  Anyway, the Yankees are 8.5 out, sunk half a billion dollars into one player, and have not been in the WS this decade.  When will MLB step in and take the team away from them?  Stupid point, right?  Exactly.

THE DARK NIGHT RETURNED.  Is that not the face of a man who thought he had escaped purgatory and is still stuck in Cincy dating Jenny the Waffle House Waitress?  Niko of @nikometsplus (follow him, will ya?) subbed in for me on the Harvey Day recap.  The photo may be a clue.

THE DARK NIGHT RETURNS!   Both Matt and I will be back on our respective decks tomorrow….check the schedule, Reds AT Mets!  Expect the newspapers to notice this sometime later today.  Expect the beat reporters to make me look like I am the guy’s biggest fan.   Should be fun.

NOT LINKING: Can you idiots stop linking to the Therapist who wants and is getting Free Publicity for offering FREE THERAPY to Met fans.  Stop.  Why do yo fall for such stupid stuff?

Also NOT LINKING to the Generic Jeff McNeil is Fun article in the newspaper not the AAIMBR reports in August that the Mets COULD bring Bautista back.

Happy Oswalt Day gang.