Mets Electric Blue vs Royal Blue

As I went deep diving on eBay, I saw these two jackets posted kind of back to back….

Now we’ve discussed this before, it’s been over a decade here at Mets Police, a lot of things have been discussed before, but anyway when I was a kid, the Mets blue was like the below.   I have heard this referred to as Electric Blue.

It’s the kind of jacket you’d expect to see a young Davey Johnson wearing.

This next one, looks a little purple to my eye….but was the inspiration for this post…

…but maybe we should look at some other jackets…

Here’s Mets Police Mom wearing MY childhood Mets jacket.  This jacket was bought at Shea Stadium in the old field level shop…way way way bac.k…say 1982 or so….looks Electric Blue, right?

and here’s Terry wearing one in a photo I uploaded more in 2015.

If we start at the beginning….clearly Casey’s jacket is darker than my mom’s

Here’s The Franchise looking a little Electric….

But here’s Torre in 1979 looking less electric…

Anyway, no real conclusion.  Clearly some of this can be explained by lighting, photography, and the eye trickery of colors looking darker when placed near other colors.

Here’s a lengthy post I did in 2010 if you’d like to explore this topic more.  Note that the formatting on that post has gotten a little wonky, but it’s still very readable.   (The reason for that it it’s one of the posts from Year 1 before I migrated the site to WordPress.)