The Top 5 Star Wars Villains

Since it’s quiet I thought I’d take a look at the 5 Greatest Star Wars Villains


What a great villain.  Cool costume.  Cool voice.  Cool powers.  The less we knew about him the better.  Unfortunately we learned too much and know deep down he’s just a teenager in love, but wow what a cool villain before we knew too much.



Also a cool look and also the less we knew about him the better.  Truly the 1986 Mets of Star Wars villains, Maul was a wasted opportunity.  They tried to bring him back even though he was obviously chopped in half and yeah I know we’re talking about science fiction where I accept a Bigfoot talking to a robot, but the chopping in half resurrection was unbelievable.



One of those guys you can tell you just won’t like by looking at him.  Just seems like a sniveling weasel who makes you wonder how he even rose to power.  His father must have been a powerful member of the Empire/First Order or something.  No way this guy made General on his own.



One of those guys you can tell you just won’t like by looking at him.  Just seems like a sniveling weasel who makes you wonder how he even rose to power.  His father must have been a powerful member of the Empire.

Had the Empire actually spent money to protect the exhaust port on the Death Star maybe the thing wouldn’t have been destroyed so easily.  Then the guy builds Death Star II and it gets destroyed.  So he builds Starkiller Base (ooooh scary) and THAT gets destroyed.  The next time he tells you that he’s built the ultimate weapon in the galaxy just roll your eyes.  The Dark Side has been failing for thirty plus years and will never win.


Hmmm, another guy in a cool costume that wa way cooler when we knew less about him.  Turns out that he too is just a whiny teenager.  Look man, if you’re still motivated by what happened to you when you were a teenager then go start a blog and write abou….hold on I am being passed a note…..


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