Mets Police Morning Laziness: what’s with Formerly MetsBlog suddenly doing good content again?

Formerly Mets Blog is having its best week in a few years.  Over the weekend they did a straight no-click-bait headline that Terry Collins would not be the bench coach (which I rewarded with a click) and this morning I see they have a nice no-nonsense recap of words that came out of Wags’ mouth.

I am starting to like Wags even less and less as he speaks, so this article in The Post makes me happy as it reminds everyone some fool traded for Cano (and Diaz).  The article even uses the word NIGHTMARE.

Meanwhile, the centerpiece of the return, Kelenic, “was an extremely talented guy,” Dipoto said. “He hits, hits for power, plays defense, runs. His work ethic is as Type-A as it gets. We could not be more impressed how quickly he got through our system. He didn’t just jump to Double-A, he was often the best player on the field in Double-A and it was obvious. He has the talent to get to the big leagues young. The second half of 2020 is a real possibility.”

Hopefully Andy has some Syndergaard trades for us today so FMB can get back to what they think has been working for them while Cerrone has been on Exile Island.   Syndergaard could be traded to the Yankees, it is possible.  Of course if you DO want crap content like that, the AAIMBR has a Fan Shot where they are trading Noah, but I of course am NOT LINKING.  I love the “fan shot” concept, as if the other articles are Really Excellent Professional Well Researched Journalism and not guys in their basements recapping Wilmer Font’s season and assigning grades.

Man, what a rant…I guess I need to bust this out.

In other news:

A 1986 Mets player is doing something embarrassing so I will ignore it.

Someone will be the Mets Bench Coach and everyone and their mother has an article on it even though nobody knows anything.

Chili Davis may or may not be going to the Phillies or may or may not have signed with the Mets four minutes ago depending on your favorite flavor of website being written in a basement.

Speaking of bad general managers, you should check out the 5 Worst General Managers on the Office.

SLACKISH REACTION:  The TV choices last night were to either watch Gelbzzzz or The Mandalorian, and most surveyed Mets fans made the wrong choice as they usually do.

I mean seriously, even if you don’t like Star Wars, why would you watch Gelbzzz? Anyway, Mandalorian was great. I then started Clone Wars Rewatch and man that series works way better as a binge then it ever did as a 22 minutes a week watch with the same two commercial numbers driving me crazy. Wayyyyy better.

Then I put on, based on an internet suggestion I had read which I now spiritually pass along to you, that you should watch the Imagineering show. Pretty cool stuff about Disneyland being built.