Mets Police Morning Laziness: no really, the Mets lose $50 million a year

SLACKISH REACTION:  We’re supposed to believe the Mets lose $50 a year?

That was my takeaway from last night’s report (now copied everywhere) that the Mets are for sale again, this time with no conditions.  But how could they possibly lose money?  Do the Yankees also lose $50 million a year?  Does every team?  Why would anyone want to buy a baseball team then?

ICYMI: The Spring caps look bad in real life.

ICYMI:  Stereotype free St. Patrick’s Day caps for 2020

Kernan’s Access Media tour continues, today he has a nice look at the renovated Port St. Lucie facilities.  Worth a click.    Not worth a click is more propaganda being fed to the Post, this one about how the Mets are part of the “baseball revolution” and using Tech and Stuff to make the players better.  Sounds like overthinking to me.