As promised on twitter, I have followed through with grabbing three (actually two) paragraphs from Optimistic Mets Fan’s blog (aka Ceetar) and just adding a “Via Ceetar” credit.
The brewery is dead, long live the brewery. It didn’t take long for someone to announce they were moving into that space. Fountain Beverages owned EBBS Brewery, just opened up in Brooklyn, will be brewing in that location. Who are they? Let’s see, they’re owned by Bruce Wilpon and..wait, yes. That Bruce Wilpon, of you know, the Wilpons. The one that owned part of Mikkeller NYC. He’s taking a lot, if not all, of the people that worked on Mikkeller with him to EBBS. If you peep their LinkedIn pages, most of them have already been working there! KGRLogic on Twitter noted the obvious inference to Ebbets Field that I missed, which makes me roll my eyes but maybe it’s the perfect name for a ‘Brooklyn’ brewery that is actually in Queens?
There is no brewer listed there yet. Richard Saunders, who was listed as the Head Brewer at Mikkeller from Dec 2017 through October of 2020 is in the role of Director of Strategy & Product Innovation for both Fountain and EBBS. He’s been there five months now, which is roughly when they launched. I suspect this is a very similar position, and I imagine the brewers are the same. In fact, I’d wager a ton that all of EBBS beers were brewed in Mikkeller NYC. (via Ceetar.)
Friendly Blog-bro banter aside…if beer is your thing, pop on over to Unrealistically Optimistic Mets Fan Dot Com and he can walk you through brewmasters and hops and stuff and a Hard Seltzer Conspiracy Theory or whatever he’s talking about over there.

Go read it. What else are you doing? You’re not actually watching Dodgers-Rays are you? Life is too short for that.