How to get back THREE HOURS OF YOUR DAY!!!!

It is 4:10pm.  There is a Mets game.

I was once like you.  There would be a Mets game and I would stop doing whatever I was doing to watch it.  After all Mets games are a precious commodity and we miss them in the winter.

Until I stopped.

I realized that I was stopping doing the things I WANTED to be doing (working on other creative projects – which I am about to do now, or watching movies or listening to podcasts or basically anything else).  I realized that as I watched the Mets game I kind of couldn’t wait for the Mets game to be over.

Over the years I picked away at this. First I had my “Saturday Night” rule – I stopped watching Saturday night games.  Then there was the 10pm rule where no matter what I turned the game off at 10 – three hours was enough.

Then, earlier this season, MLB freed me!  They scheduled the Mets with a ton of weekday day games (something I used to work around, meaning I would do actual Work at other times so I could be there for the Mets, although I couldn’t wait for it to end) – and they played a lot of West Coast games early.

And I broke the habit!

I’m here to tell you it’s great!  Hey, if you want to watch the Mets right now – you do you.  I’m sitting out on the deck on a beautiful day and I am going to do Creative Stuff Other Projects.   It’s so freeing.  Last night I watched Independence Day (although that too I couldn’t wait for it to be over lol).

Try NOT watching.  You might just like it!