Why have the @mets and their owner gone silent on social media?

The @mets twitter account has not posted since October 9th, that post was a link to whatever that postgame thing they do is.  I honestly cannot remember the Mets EVER taking a full day off.

As for Steve, I think we know what Steve is.  He will show up for a WIN and disappear when things aren’t in celebration of his awesomeness.  Here are his last tweets.

So there we see excitement for the good times and silence in the bad.  Got it Steve.

Meanwhile on Facebook, this appears to be the last Mets post.

So what are other eliminated teams doing.  The Cardinals had one tweet, wishing someone a Happy Birthday.

And the Rays did what both the @mets and Steve should be doing..

..although to be fair, they have been silent since.

For eliminated teams, I sampled the Marlins.  They went dark for a bit after October 6 but did post yesterday.

So is this coming from baseball itself?

But look guys, you bombard us with stuff all day every day for 363 days…there’s no reason to go silent.  I am not suddenly going to follow the Mariners just because the Mets stopped tweeting.

We need to hear from the organization AND FROM STEVE.

Do you thank us?  What are YOU feeling or thinking?  And when do we get our playoff money refunded? (they have cool electronic money transfers now where it can be done INSTANTLY if one is motivated.)