MLB announces casino donation of….checks notes, is this right… $25,000

Wow MLB and Casino gee thanks for this huge donation of….checks notes….$25,000.  Well, at least we got the sponsor name in on the tweet.

For those who can’t make out the tiny print, this MGM Resorts Investors press release says

Las Vegas Strip Resorts

  • Net revenues of $2.2 billion in the current quarter compared to $1.7 billion in the prior year quarter, an increase of 31%. The current quarter benefited from the inclusion of The Cosmopolitan, an increase in business volume as the early part of the prior year quarter was negatively affected by the spread of the omicron variant, and an increase in REVPAR(4), partially offset by the disposition of The Mirage;

Anyway, thanks to the casino and MLB for their tremendous donation of….checks notes….$25000.

Anyway, as you can see, the combination of baseball teaming up with casinos is great for the community.  If anyone ever asks you to just hand them parkland, say yes….they just might donate….checks notes again…… $25,000 to a charity.