Kramer pushes his cart down the aisle, scanning the shelves for his favorite snacks. Suddenly, he spots Pete in the produce section, engrossed in a playful game of tossing oranges into his shopping cart.
Kramer stops in his tracks, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watches Pete’s antics.
KRAMER: (under his breath) What in the…
He stands there for a moment, utterly bewildered by the sight of the Mets player goofing off with fruit. After a beat, he shakes his head, chuckles to himself, and continues on his shopping journey, leaving Pete to his citrus-based shenanigans.

Steve strides purposefully through the bustling office, heading straight for the desk of the Social Media Intern, a young man named Chad, who’s fervently typing away on his computer.
STEVE: (clearing his throat) Chad, we need to talk.
Chad looks up, a bright grin on his face, eager to receive feedback from the boss.
CHAD: (excitedly) Hey, Mr. Steve! What’s up?
STEVE: (serious) I saw that tweet about the “troll toll.” It’s a bit… too much.
Chad’s grin fades, replaced by a look of confusion.
CHAD: But Mr. Steve, it’s edgy! It’s what the fans want!
STEVE: (shaking his head) Not our style, Chad. The Mets have an upstanding reputation to uphold. Our values are a little more restrained.
Chad nods reluctantly, understanding the feedback.
CHAD: Okay, got it. So, what do you think about this instead?
Chad swiftly navigates to another image on his screen, this time revealing a series of provocative photos featuring the new Mets dance team in sultry poses.
STEVE: (alarmed) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not that either, Chad!
Steve recoils slightly, trying to shield his eyes from the risqué images.
CHAD: (sheepishly) Oh, right. Maybe a bit too… spicy?
STEVE: (firmly) Definitely too spicy. We’re promoting a family-friendly environment here, Chad. Let’s keep it professional.
CHAD: (nodding fervently) Understood, Mr. Steve. I’ll find something more suitable.
Chad quickly closes the inappropriate images and scrolls through his files, searching for a more appropriate option.
CHAD: Okay, got it. So, what do you think about this instead?
Chad presents a new graphic on his screen, this time featuring a wholesome image of Mets fans enjoying a day at the ballpark, cheering on their favorite team.
STEVE: (smiling) Now, that’s more like it, Chad. Nice work.
Steve gives Chad an approving nod, pleased with the change in direction.
CHAD: Thanks, Mr. Steve! I’ll make sure to post this one right away. I just need to add a few tweaks.
STEVE: (smiling) You do that. Good work.

Jerry is playing on his phone reading the Mets twitter account when he sees Chad’s new image of a group of Mets fans holding a banner.
JERRY: (sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone) Oh boy.