Why I say the Mets will retire David Wright’s #5 next year to sell tickets

Borrowing a thought here from @Desko2000 on twitter…..

Will the Mets retire David Wright’s #5 next year to sell tickets?

I am going to guess YES.

Right now, I have no idea what the Mets could even think about marketing for 2024.  Sure, there’s NEW FREE AGENT SIGNING but there really aren’t any exciting free agents to be had.

There could be SURPRISE TRADE but if you are rebuilding, you’re probably trading away names not the new kids you just acquired.

So, what’s left?   David Wright.  It will speak to a certain age fan, one that right now is aging into their disposable income phase.  The guy deserves it.  It makes sense.  And it’s probably the only game anyone is going to care about next summer.

So I am going to say it will happen.  Thoughts?