Dear Mets and MLB: Stop spamming us

Anyone else just get the spam from “ [[email protected]]”

I believe this is actually MLB’s doing and not say Dave Howard – but the Mets name is on it, and perception is reality, so most people will assume the Mets are spamming them.

For the second time this week lots of us got an unwanted from “the Mets.”

Today we are being offered credit scores.

I don’t want credit scores.  I just wanted to buy tickets one day or logged in to to check my fantasy team or something.

I probably forgot to check the “leave me the hell alone” box that you have to check every time you interact with mlb.

It’s annoying.  Stop.

The rest of you – discuss, share, blog…let’s get this one to spin up to the Deadspins and Big league Stew’s of the world.

2 Replies to “Dear Mets and MLB: Stop spamming us”

  1. Yeah, its gotta stop. Even my girlfriend (who ONCE bought tickets on Stubhub for her grandfather in 2009) keeps asking me why the mets keep spamming her. Its really bad.

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