Hey gang. Just got an email that said…
….just heard Mike Francesa make a reference to the Major League Baseball Players Association putting up some resistance to some of the Amazin Mets Perks the Mets are offering as part of an incentive to buy season tickets….
I didn’t hear it. I don’t know that Mike actually said it. I don’t know that the resistance exists. I don’t know what Mike may have meant.
Does anyone know what this might be about (if anything)? Did I miss a story?
I heard it. And it’s at least the second time he’s brought it up. He first mentioned it after the promo info was released by the Mets (last week?), he didn’t think the Players Association would be happy with it. It had never occurred to me they would have a problem with it. I don’t listen to him every day, but I’ve now heard him discussing this twice.
Given that it’s Francessa, he likes to restate his opinion enough and refrencing himself that it sounds like facts.
It’s certainly possibly they’d balk at something. The only one I can see them ahving a real problem with is the high-fiving players one.
just skimming the list again, i have no idea what they’d even take issue with. god, i hate the MLBPA.
It’s Mike Francessa. Right or wrong, whatever he says is the word of God. At least in his own head and out his mouth. When a real journalist says something, well, that’s different.
Lastins Milledge, must be like, wait, I got in trouble when I did that, now it’s a promotion? That was my idea!
All Players Unions are pretty much worthless much like the ownership…its the scum arguing with the scum about who gets a few million more dollars. Honestly I don’t know if I could live that life because I’d be fairly embarrassed to act that way.
Heard it the first time he talked about it and it seemed he sided with the ticket holders. I heard him say something like “C’mon, these guys make millions of dollars, they cant have a catch with a fan?”