Matt Harvey distracts everyone from new SNY scorebug

Well, not everyone.  Several of us noticed it on twitter, but I must say it took me two outs before I noticed it.  It’s a nice clean look, and for those of us in our mid-40’s now, nice bug numbers are a plus.  Down with dots.

sny 2015 scorebug


We also had a laugh that how normally NEW SCOREBUG would be MAJOR BLOG POST during the spring, but Matt Harvey and all…you know.

How did you guys feel about Gelbs and Nelson?   Seemed fine to me.

6 Replies to “Matt Harvey distracts everyone from new SNY scorebug”

  1. You’ve got two guys filling two big pairs of shoes. Gelbs replaces Burkhardt, who left for a better national deal. Figgie replaces Ojeda, whose contract with Comcast/Wilpon SNY was not renewed. Of the two, Figgie has the most potential. Gelbs is as bland as an unsalted cracker. A placeholder until something better comes along.

  2. Graphics and scorebug are much better than new announcers!
    Glad I saw the first 3 ST games live.

  3. MostlyNoles Lets give him a chance. However he does not seem natural/comfortable.

  4. metspolice Yeah he’s gets the year. But awkward hits it on the head. Players seem annoyed by him.

  5. .MostlyNoles I was noticing that The Captain hasn’t publicly been involved in Murphgate. Wonder if the 7 beat guys asked him about it.

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