Some think I may have two weeks left of blogging. Unfortunately for all of us, they are wrong. Some reasons…

As has been stated all along, I am here to encourage the Mets to win the World Series (might happen) while nicely dressed. (can’t happen.)
You see, some wanna be casino developer brought the black uniforms back. Not only did he bring them back, he somehow made them WORSE.
The Mets must win the World Series AND be nicely dressed. Otherwise I have work to do. We were very close in 2015!! Steve may have fixed one problem but re-created the other.

I cannot leave the watch if people are going to tweet vulgar things because of the soon to be gone Pete Alonso. Last night, after the win, a vulgar version of LGM was trending. That cannot be. I am here to encourage fans to be better. I will not let the inmates run the asylum. The vulgar version is not the Mets way.

Y’all need to have a spine. The man told you to go to hell and you cheer him. Stay strong and NEVER sell your soul. I don’t care how many grand slams he hits. I don’t care how many times the media calls him Mr. Smile. I don’t care if Steve and Alex name him captain. I don’t care if he runs off 10 straight MVPs and World Series rings…you do not do this to the fans. Have some self-respect people. If he weren’t hitting you’d be lining up behind me, and I will tell you what – some day he won’t hit, and you’ll boo him and then we’ll see what happens.
Thus, even if the Mets do win a World Series while dressed nicely I will stay on watch until this man is off the team. If that takes another decade, so be it.
You can “old man yells at cloud” all you want, I will be here yelling at the cloud, all by myself, and when the line forms behind me, I will remind you that you were wrong.
Also, go back and look – before he told the fans to hose off – I was the one defending him. YOU GUYS booed him and I stuck up for him. But once he did that to YOU, he’s dead to me. Forever.
This is a combination of life being busier (it’s been quite a year) and not having anything to say. I no longer watch baseball (it’s still boring and starting pitchers leave too soon), although I watched my first game all year the day of the Braves doubleheader. (Really). I don’t miss it. I think MLB has wrecked the regular season. I can tell you first hand you can jump in on September 30th and you will feel caught up.
Because I am not watching, and I am definitely not attending, I have less to say. For a long time I held myself to “post something every day” usually a cap post, but I have decided to no longer hold myself to that.
I don’t watch the games. I don’t like Pete and I definitely don’t like Lindor.
These aren’t “my” Mets. I totally get that they are someone else’s Mets. They might be YOUR Mets. Great! Enjoy! Make some memories with your dad or you son or your best friend. Enjoy it. These runs come along around once every 15 years, we just happen to be early this cycle. Take in every second of it, because us oldies can assure you, there could be 5 90-loss seasons coming at any moment.
As they are not “my” Mets, I have little to say about them. This blog was never about game recaps so I’m not going to suddenly write about the Phillies being inept and the Mets always
There are 16 seasons worth of posts on here. If you want my thoughts on Seaver or Mazzilli or 1986 or Piazza or David Wright or Matt Harvey or black uniforms or old yearbooks or Citi Field or Gary Cohen or Mr. Met or The Casino To Be Built On Parkland – there are plenty of old posts to be read via the search bar.
As for the 2024 team – boy they sure are gritty. Second Choice Manager Mendoza seems like a good guy and he sure got the job done, so let him be the manager for 25 years instead of changing the culture every time a bad season happens. Let the man stay there forever. They shouldn’t re-sign Pete. I hope Lindor and Steve get into a fight in the elevator and Lindor finds himself in the AL West because of it.
Looking ahead to next week, I have some stuff on my calendar, so if I don’t post that’s why.
Why? If I want to write, like I do today, I have an outlet. If I don’t feel like writing, there are 16 years of posts that live here.
Win a World Series, dress nicely, and get Lindor off the team. I understand how hard that last part will be, so I have work to do. Until that all happens, I’ll be here.
Let’s Go Mets. LGM for short. Remember that, and remember NEVER sell your soul.