Mets Police 90’s week: the other time blue uniforms returned

I really wasn’t paying attention when this happened.  Kevin who sent it in thinks it was 1999.  That would be about right because I was newly married and I think that was the year I was ticked off at Cablevision for trying to charge me $10 extra for Sportschannel so I went without.

Anyway – these are cool jerseys.  And take a close look at V’s cap.

Mets Police 90’s Week: 1993-94 Swoosh jerseys

These have grown on me over the years.  At the time I HATED them (Osh41 fired me up) and found them completely unnecessary.  Now they are sort of like Mercury Mets jerseys: fun to dig out, but the Mets shouldn’t wear them.  I like the road one a little better than the home.

What’s scary is we thought there could be nothing worse.  If only we knew.  Be careful what you wish for.