Mets blue has not changed

Following up on this morning, Mets blue is the same blue.

As has been discussed before the twill/herringbone whatever it is on the now-old jerseys creates an optical illusion but the blue is the same blue.

I have some side by sides posted for later in the week just because I like comparing jerseys, but it’s the same blue. Done. Move along.

Quick pictures from the Mets holiday party

I posted several of these on twitter @metspolice.






Turner is quite relaxed and very smiley. Lots of charisma there.

Sandy is cool and calm. If he said “come with me if you want to live” and started running I would follow.

Murphy is also charismatic and has a coolness to his vibe. Cool cool not aloof cool.

Niese a little more soft spoken than the rest.

Thanks again to the Mets for allowing me to swing by. Media Goon will have many more pics and video coming up.

I meet Murph, freeze.

Oh man. Remember back in high school when you didn’t know how to talk to girls?

At the Mets holiday party (lots of posts and video coming up as soon as @mediagoon gets home) the Mets made Sandy, Turner, Niese and Murphy available.

The rest of the gang were all asking real questions so I hung back as I tend to do and tweeted some pics.

When Murphy wrapped one of my friends in media relations decided to hook me up and intro’d me to Murph as one of his biggest fans.

That’s awesome if you’re 12 but as a grown man I froze. I babbled something about twitter and then had nothing. You guys should totally beat me up after school. Awful. Embarrassing.


Probably should have used my “twitter rap” on Turner who might have said “I know you.”

This was as awful as the time we tried to pick up girls while wearing green Mets caps. In Baltimore.

Ugh so embarrassing. More to come!

Goon here: I witnessed this moment. I was shooting film of  Niese while Shannon was talking to #IMwith28. Knowing Shannon for as long as I do, I have rarely ever seen him speechless, and to hear the whole quick meeting go down made me laugh. So I apologize now for any movement in the Niese video. Thanks for the folks in media relations for making my day with that.

You sure 2012 Mets blue isn’t darker?

Officially the 2012 Mets blue is the same they have used since 1995.

@coreynyc was in the team shop yesterday and had his doubts


See how “Mets” is just way more crisp on the right? That was the point all these years. It’s just better branding. Maybe someone likes wearing a black jersey, but the drop shadow did nothing good for the look. (Also notice that the e and s now have an inner hole).

Anyways, that started a twitter discussion. Then @joeloverde81 posted this 2008/2012 comparison.



When the Mets tell me something I stand by it. However, I’m heading out to the Holiday Party today, so maybe I’ll see if I can meet Kevin Kierst to find out what we don’t know. At worst I have a small-talk topic.

As for the “white” – 2011 pins were “cream.” 2012 pins are “ivory” and 2012 pinless are “snow-white” per a Mets official quoting Kierst to me. If you compare a 12 pinny and a 12 pinless side by side you will see the difference in whites.

I don’t know what official color the 2008’s were.

I recommend buying yourself a 2011 cream-pinstriped-with-dropshadow for your collection. They didn’t see all that much game use and they weren’t around very long. Some day you’ll wish you had one like this fine fellow. (I also own that green Murph.)

More later from the party!