The Last Week of Shea – Part 1

So it’s being reported that the last parts of Shea should fall to the ground either Friday or Monday, Anyone who has seen it recently can clearly see that the end of the old broad is near (let’s face it, she was never a lady).

I drive past Shea every day on my way to and from work. I have witnessed the painfully slow demolition over the last few months so much so that it has numbed me.

Until this week.

Seeing the last section standing there by itself – well, it got to me. So MetsPolice and I this week will be taking pictures of Shea almost every day, documenting her last days.

Feel free to view and comment.

You are invited to view Mets’s photo album: Shea on Feb 9, 2009
Shea on Feb 9, 2009
Feb 9, 2009
by Mets
Pictures from the final week of Shea’s demolition

It’s "Too Expensive" For Lance Armstrong To Be Tested?

Yes linking to the Times is lazy blogging but thought this was sharing in light of this weeks #1 sports topic.

Published: February 12, 2009
Don Catlin, the well-known anti-doping scientist who Lance Armstrong hired to create his strict and transparent anti-doping program, is parting ways with Armstrong.

Don Catlin, the prominent antidoping scientist who was supposed to run Armstrong’s program, said Wednesday that they had decided earlier in the day to part ways, without Catlin’s obtaining a full blood and urine sample from Armstrong. The program was too complex and too costly, Catlin said, and the decision to terminate it was mutual.

I’m no scientist but it’s complex and costly to pee in a cup and take some blood?

“You’re coordinating collectors … doing all these things. It became a nightmare of logistic issues and also, when you’re drawing blood, an athlete can rightfully complain if you take too much.”

What don’t I understand?  Hit comments…

Funny "Lee Mazzilli" Google Alert

Got this from Google…

Report: Strawberry to serve up sex and drugs expose – USA
Strawberry’s teammates from the 1986 championship team included big names such as Keith Hernandez, Dwight Gooden, Lee Mazzilli, Ron Darling, Lenny Dykstra, 

Big names?  Lee Mazzilli is a big name?  Someone at Fox must read my dopey blog and believe the hype.

And don’t go mixing my boy Lee in with two coke fiends and Lenny’s (cough) workout program.  Them’s fighting words!

Favre Isn’t Alone

Willie Mays on the Mets

Keith Hernandez on the Indians

Joe Namath on the Rams

Steve Carlton on the Indians/Twins/White Sox

Jerry Rice on the Seahawks (bet you forgot that one)

And now…..Brett Favre on the Jets

Favre joins a list of once good or great players that ended their career with the wrong team, in a bad way… all because their ego was too big.

Does it diminish their achievements? Not at all. But it does stain the memory we have of their career.

Who else would you add to this list?