No (Final) Closing Ceremony for Yankee Stadium

The Yankees reported today that plans for a FINAL Closing Ceremony on November 9th have been scrapped.

Thank God!

Seriously, this was a bad idea right from the start. (The only thing worse was the Rangers hockey game proposal). The ceremony prior to the last game was about as appropriate as you could get for the cathedral of stadiums (and even that wasn’t perfect – personally I don’t think they did enough to honor the Babe).

But can you imagine how bad an outdoor ceremony in November would have been? Did they really think Derek Jeter’s speach on the mound could be topped? Just let it stay closed.

So Much For The No Black Unis Rumor

Well, that rumor was quickly shot down – knew it was way too good to be true. Mets By The Numbers corrects the error:

Turns out you can’t trust everything you read on the Internet. Who knew?
The below item about rumors of a uniform change was shot down this week by a source in the know. Not only are the Mets not ditching road greys for charcoal greys, but the black will continue to be an (unwelcome) element in caps, drop shadows and jerseys. The only changes, our source assured us, will be a sleeve patch advertising honoring CitiField, and the removal of the black road NEW YORK jerseys from the lineup, allowing the team to suit up in the same black Mets jerseys at home or on the

No More Black Unis?

Can this be true? This was posted over at Mets By The Numbers:

Wondering just what the 2009 team will look like might be tricky
considering rumors of uniform changes have arisen again. Dave from Michigan
passed along chatter from Chris Creamer’s Sports Logo website saying the Mets as
expected are phasing out black (hooray!) in favor of blue but have the
biggest changes in mind for their road uniform, said to be completely
re-imagined in a charcoal gray (uh, OK?) with Mets in script (boo!). The
message continues:

Interestingly there is absolutely no black on this uniform
whatsoever – and I was told that the blue/orange/white
color combination jumps off this uniform with incredible success.
Blue/Orange/White piping will also be on the ends of the sleeves, down
the front of the jersey, and down the pant legs as well.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be true. And are those racing stripe styles in the description??

Why Isn’t Santana Clutch? just emailed me this:
This award recognizes the player who performed his best when the game was on the line, who delivered the walk-off homer or who was there with six-plus strong innings. It celebrates the player who always connects on a two-out hit or is automatic in the bullpen. He is the player that rises to the occasion when his team needs him most. He is clutch.
Your choices:  Berkman, Lee, Morneau, Pujols, K-Rod and Sabathia.  Some are pitchers.  I thought Santana was pretty clutch.   Maybe he doesn’t deserve to win, but he seemed pretty darn clutch to me.
Today is Day 10 of the Mets not refunding playoff tickets.  They immediately charged us.  Why not immediately refund?

The Global Depression Will Help The Mets

The Mets (and Yankees) are heading for a golden age.

As companies sort through their own financial issues, the money that funds skyboxes and corporate stadium rights will dry up.

That leaves non-skybox ticket sales and tv revenue as the ways teams make money. The New York teams will be able to draw 2 million fans in their sleep. A team like the Royals, I'm not so sure.

When teams start worrying about meeting payroll they will look to deal players (see the Florida Marlins for how that works). The Mets would be wise (and this is always a wise move) to stock the farm. There's likely to be some bargains out there.

As for me, I sure wish the Mets would return my money to me. This is Day 10 of the Mets keeping my money hostage. They sold me playoff tickets, and the letter says that if the games were not played they would credit our credit cards. Did anyone get their money yet?

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