Willie Watch – Mets Fever: Randolph in trouble with ownership & not for the double header
The Willie Watch is on. Paranoid comments and a doubleheader loss don’t make for a good pairing.
Here’s one blog below from today.
Mets Fever: Randolph in trouble with ownership & not for the double header
Plenty of Mets Police posts below on the same subject.
Sliding Into Home: A Yankees Blog: Will Joe Girardi Please Get Angry
Yankee Watch: I’m kinda fascinated by this 7.5 games out thing. It gets late early.
Sliding Into Home: A Yankees Blog: Will Joe Girardi Please Get Angry says: It’s time for Girardi to step up and truly step in to the role of MANANGER OF THE NEW YORK YANKEES. This is your team, put your mark on it and stop pussyfooting around.
Don’t Retire Piazza’s #31
Dodgers Hall of Famer Mike Piazza should not have his number retired by the Mets.
Are you going to put a statue of him outside Citi Field?
Are you going to retire 31 without retiring 17?
If you retire those why not 16?
What about Ron Darling (pick a number of his).
While we’re looking at fan favorites how about Buddy’s 3?
A great player yes
Hall of famer yes
An iconic ‘Met?’ No.
(Perhaps he can take Lee Mazzilli’s spot on SNY when Lee takes his rightful place in the Mets dugout as manager.)
Lee Mazzilli, next manager of the Mets
You have a manager that isn’t going to make it. You have a cranky fanbase you need to appease so you can sell tickets at the fancy new ballpark (and how much will those cost by the way).
Time to find a fan favorite who has managerial experience. He already works for you and Fred you’ll like this, he’s from Brooklyn.
The Hire Wally Backman Blog has this to say:
Lee Mazzilli is a possibility. On his post-game analysis for SNY after the Vargas fiasco, Maz made what I perceived as some veiled and valid criticisms of the Mets’ manager, which already makes him preferable to Randolph in my book. I have no idea how good Maz was in Baltimore, since I don’t really follow AL baseball. Some say he got a raw deal, that he’s a good manager. He’s got to be a step up from Randolph. A Big Mouth Billy Bass would be a step up from Randolph.
Th rest is of that article is here: http://hirewallybackman.blogspot.com/
And here’s some more folks who agree: