So this is the Email I just received from the Mets about my reprinting tickets from my plan from the no-hitter.
Ticket Holder Reprints Of Santana No-Hitter Ticket
Dear Keith,
Mets fans will never forget June 1, 2012 – the night Johan Santana threw the first no-hitter in franchise history! It’s a moment that Mets fans will cherish forever.
We are offering fans the opportunity to purchase tickets from this historic game to ensure they have a memento that can be passed on for generations.
Because your 2012 Mets Plan or Pack included this game, we are pleased to offer you a discounted price of $30 per ticket to reprint your plan or pack seats for June 1, 2012. Your tickets will be printed on Season Ticket Holder stock.
In the coming days, you will receive an e-mail on how to secure your mint tickets from the milestone game. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Executive directly or call 718-507-TIXX (8499).
We hope you enjoyed being a part of history, and we look forward to seeing you at our home for more memorable moments at Citi Field.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Let’s Go Mets!
Here is the twitter condo between Leigh from the Mets and Randy from Read the Apple
@LeighJC_NYM Wait, so are the #Mets going to sell someone a reprint of my seats from the No-Hitter?
6/7/12 4:24 PM |
@ReadTheApple we will not sell any tickets that were owned by sth, plan, or pack holder from the no-hitter6/7/12 4:26 PM |
. Randy with the scoop folks.By the way I have met Leigh and she seems to be pretty straightforwardNow there are people who are upset and I can see why. The fans that were there at Citi Field were part of something special live. I am forever going to remember that I was there with Randy,Mrs Apple, and Sean Kenny. Want to print up copies of tickets that fans in attendance in case the ticket got destroyed? Go ahead thats a great service. Want to charge a slight fee for that sure. I’d pay 10 bucks to have the ticket reprinted. Want to make money on Special Commemorative Tickets from that game go ahead. I am interested in seeing where this all goes. I have been retweeting the conversation between Randy @readtheapple, and Darren @the7line. I know Darren has a few ideas where he wants to go with his thoughts on his blog and I can’t wait to see them.
Check out their sites ( I am sure you know both of them by heart, but for anyone new)