Shannon in an earlier post talked about how the Brooklyn Cyclones do their promotions up right. Well, I pre-ordered myself a Sidd Finch jersey and it arrived last night.
I love the patch..Its a fun jersey…
What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
Michael Baron @michaelgbaron 1h1 hour ago
And for whatever reason, a wave is on-going in the 9th inning of a tie game at Citi Field. #mets
WHY THE HELL IS THE WAVE GOING ON DURING THE 9th? IT IS A TIED GAME? YOU @$$3$. So please explain to me how great the wave is during this moment? Who is the nitwit that starts it at a time when fans want to be paying attention? What is wrong with you people? Please defend this action. Is a tied game in the ninth that boring that you have to this? I don’t know, kind of seems like a nail biter at this time to me. Mets are down and rally back…I know let’s start the wave.
And while I am venting here, learn baseball etiquette. Don’t get up from your seat in the middle of an at bat. Wait to the end of the at bat. Have some damn consideration for the folks in the row sitting next to you and the folks who’s view you are blocking behind you. It isn’t that hard be considerate and stop just thinking about you.
You guys can say I’m not fun because I hate the wave, that’s fine with me. I hated that damn thing even as a kid. It made no sense to me.
I love that the Mets account has a sense of humor and zinged Shannon. That made my day.