Mets- You Need This At Citi Field

Ever notice that starting about section 531 and then continuing onward to 532,533 and up, that the seats are usually empty? That’s because fans buy “cheap” tickets up there and stay on the concourse and never go to their seats because the sightless up there are horrible. I’m in Denver right now and last night I went to the Mets/Rockies game at Coor’s Field and I have to say they have a cool idea with the Rooftop. The Rockies tore out a bunch of seats and put in deck with restaurants and bars. Mostly you can stand and watch the game but there are General Admission seats in three sections that you can sit in also. This place got packed last night. The ticket cost $15 plus fees but you got back $6 that you could use towards food or merchandise.








Mets Pushing 2016 Plans

 Deposits for 2016 Full Season, Half Season and 20-Game Plans are now available. Get priority to choose your seating location for 2016 by placing a deposit today.
 2016 Deposits placed by August 31 come with guaranteed 2015 postseason access!
 Full Season Deposits (81 games) are $500 per seat and include access to all potential 2015 Mets Postseason games at Citi Field
 Half Season Deposits (41 Games) are $250 per seat and include access to every other potential 2015 Mets Postseason game at Citi Field
 20-Game Deposits are $250 per seat and include access to every other 2015 Mets Postseason game at Citi Field
 2016 seating locations will be determined at our annual Select-A-Seat event this fall. Seat selections will be filled at this event in order of deposit date.
 – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Baltimore Invasion Update

There is a lot of fun being had tonight at the game down here in Camden Yards.
 This is a fun ballpark, the staff, ushers, vendors, are super cordial and have no problem trying to help out. Every one is just having a great time hanging out. Even the (non) rain delay that never happened. Good fun except for that homer that just happened.
 – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone