Let’s Go Matz: To the Doctor’s Office?

Reports/rumors are circulating that Steven Matz is dealing with a sore Lat muscle.

Okay I get being snake bit, I get coincidences, but what the hell is going on over in Flushing that the Mets can’t keep healthy? I thought this six man rotation was supposed to protect the young arms? Now I am sure we will hear,” Matz is being evaluated this week and he should be back in a few weeks”, which means who knows when we will se him again.

I hope this is just a few rumors flying around and Matz is good to go.

Update- reports are saying 3 weeks for Matz. I think in Mets medical terms that means “who the hell knows when he will be back…”

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Brooklyn Cyclones 7/2 Crowd Shots

Get ready to hit 88mph by the old clock tower folks. It’s Back to the Future Night in Coney Island.

Calvin Klein?

Also got to see two of my fav Mascots. You know them from the Cyclones and the QBC. Sandy and Pee Wee.

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Atlanta Fan Experience Update

My sister went with me to Atlanta for the 7line outing and wrote an e-mail to the Braves. The Braves contacted her by phone. Here’s what she had to say.

“This past weekend I joined The 7 Line Army for the Invasion of Turner Field. Like many others, I was dismayed by my experience there. On June 23rd I wrote a letter to the Atlanta Braves Guest Services department and sent it through their website. Within an hour of hitting send, a representative from the Braves left me a voicemail wanting to discuss my visit. Needless to say, I was surprised at how quick someone reached out to me.

This morning, I was able to speak with Jan White, Senior Coordinator in Guest Services. Ms. White immediately apologized for the negative experience I had while visiting. I have to say it was a great conversation. In my letter, I made sure to stress that my experience was not entirely “negative” as she had said. There were highlights in regards to interactions with staff as well as negatives while dealing with others. While I am not in a rush to head back to Atlanta for a game, after speaking with Ms. White I am not entirely saying no to going back as I was prior to our conversation.

Ms. White assured me that the Braves organization were looking into the various complaints that they had received from Saturday’s game and were looking to improve the experience of all those who attend Braves games whether rooting for the home team or the visiting team. Within in minutes of hanging up with Ms. White, I received a follow up email emphasizing that our conversation will be forwarded to the appropriate departments.

Thank you Ms. White for showing me that the Braves organization does care about one visitor’s experience. It is really appreciated.”

And here is the follow up email my sister talked about.

The Braves listened. What my sister also told me was that the excuse that the security person told us” the Braves pay my salary and encourage us to be bias to our team” was wrong. They are supposed to be non bias and pay attention to what is going on in the crowd.

I am glad that the Braves have responded to the complaints by Mets/7line supporters. Let me know if anyone has gotten in touch with you guys.

Update to the update- Ms. White reached out to me also and I could tell was legitimately upset with the goings on with some of the ball park staff. She was very apologetic and we had a good talk about what went on. They have had meetings with some of the staff already and will have a larger meeting at the beginning of the next home stand. “The Braves organization sincerely apologizes for any incidents from their staff and really appreciate that fact that 750 Mets fans from various states came to visit their ball park.”

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