Mets 5/3 Crowd Shots

Here some crowd shots from today since Shannon doesn’t come to games, I am doing MP duty as usual.

And please help educate others with this.

– Seventh Inning Crowd Shots

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Mets 5/2 Crowd Shots

From the fancy seats of Media Goon it’s the Mets Crowd Shots.
 It’s game time, they are playing Van Halen Right Now….. That okay for game time Shannon?



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5/1 Mets Crowd Shots

Yeah, Yeah I know they are late but I had to work…

metspolice_2015-May-01 metspolice_2015-May-01a metspolice_2015-May-01c metspolice_2015-May-01b


Thanks Dave…

My imitation of Shannon” Grumble, Grumble, so much for Harvey day packing in the seats”

Come to Mets Police Group Outing at Citi Field on May 29: get Seaver replica jersey

photo credit: Michael Vercelletto
photo credit: Michael Vercelletto

We here at have teamed up with Host Committee to offer a group experience to remember at Citi Field for the Mets vs. Miami Marlins on Friday, May 29. The seats are verified, all seated together, and are located in Right Field Reserved Section 101 for $30. There is also an option for $65 tickets located in Field Box Section 110.

If we get 15 people to join in, everyone in our group gets a Tom Seaver replica jersey and a Mets t-shirt. To join the Mets Police group for the game, click here for the $30 seats, and here for the $65 seats.



You guys can also separately choose to become a host for this or other Host Committee events and reap the benefits. Host Committee’s ticketing platform rewards friends for attending events together. Everyone pays separately, they’re seated together, and the bigger the group, the better the experience.

Here are the other Mets games you can choose to become a host for:
6/27/2015 $31 Mets v. Reds
6/27/2015 $62 Mets v. Reds

7/23/2015 $40 Mets v. Dodgers
7/23/2015 $65 Mets v. Dodgers


This is a great opportunity to meet fellow MP readers and grow the Mets Police community, not to mention the chance to support our Mets against the NL East rival Marlins! We can even grow this into a regular group event and provide a great home field for the team this season.

Don’t miss out! Sign up for the Mets Police group outing to Citi Field today, and Let’s Go Mets!