Psst. Hey Mets, You Are Still Annoying Plan Holders

Yes, I am a 20 game plan holder. As I am as upset as others who are/were 10,20,41,82 game plan holders over ticket promotions(Take $13 dollars off tickets and the Harvey 3 for $33 to name the most recent)? No. I am not. I have talked to my various reps in the past about it and even gave them an idea on how to appease their fans who have kept buying in to the Mets product with the plans.

It’s very easy. Put a voucher for some food or merchandise either online in “season ticket holder” or the plan holders reps can reach out to them via emails or phone calls and then email a voucher.

Mets we know you want to draw the casual fans, I get it. But don’t keep driving your plan holders away. You lost Shannon Shark who had a plan since Shea. You have lost Randy of Read the Apple fame. You lost countless other fans who haven’t renewed due to them seeing the team playing poorly in the past couple with, why should I buy a plan when I could get cheap seats with the promotions.

Mets, you guys really need to appreciate your fans who are buying plans. I know, I know.”But look at the perks you get as a plan holder and you get a percentage of your tickets already. Yep. We get that. But still, at least look like you are trying to make an effort. It will go a long with the plan holders. Who knows you might even get some former plan holders back that you have lost.

“Take back NY?” How about Take Back Your Fans?

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I Disagree with @metspolice aka Shannon Shark

What the hell is Shannon thinking? For years he was saying the Mets need to take back NYC. That the Mets lost a generation of fans to the Yankees(true). That they need to do well and get the fans back. Right now the fans are excited about getting back into the team.

First lets get back the fans that have been fed up with how the team has been run. They deserve a chance to come back and start to rebuild their relationship with the team that they had a long time separation with/almost divorce. They can wear whatever they hell they want as long as it’s not a knockoff jersey( those are abominations folks). Let’s just keep the blue and orange on the field.

Step two is acquiring new fans, younger fans. Let them have fun at the park. Let them feel the excitement. Shannon, are they not allowed to wear new gear? Are you letting giving them an exemption? Or do they have have to go to the Salvation Army or eBay to find old gear. Which those two things alone kill your stance on fans “who have been there” wearing older gear so you know that they have been there. Nick from Babylon can go on eBay right now and buy a black Reyes jersey and say that he was a Mets fan for years.

You know how you can really spot the bandwagon fans? They are the hipsters and the 20 something’s wearing button down shirts/khakis/loafers for men and dress/skirts and heels for women who think it’s “cool” to be a mets fan now that they are winning and having date night at the ballpark. They are the ones taking selfies while the at bat is going on. They are the ones that stand and talk during an at bat backs turned to the field and block other fans views.

If the Mets start getting bandwagon fans that start immersing themselves into being a Mets fan that’s fine with me.

Shannon how long have you been saying that you can’t wait for NYC to be taken back over by the Mets and Mets fans? You know what that means? We have to accept new fans in. We have plenty of seats at CitiField that have been empty for years that can use some fannies in them.

Guys/Gals, you want to buy new gear because you like it? Go ahead. We can tell who the real fans are not by their gear but by their passion.This is one of those rare times where I won’t stick up for Shannon. I honestly think he get hit in the head when his”better then Wright” deck fell down.

I will say this about the Chinese knockoffs. They are horrible looking, always off. I’m not going to make judgements of you fandom because you bought it. They are just bad.


The Mets Crowds Over the Weekend

I have to say that I do love the fact that CitiField is electric and alive now that the Mets have looked like a team that finally has come together. BUT! BUT, some of the stuff that is going on in the crowd is just annoying as all hell.

Selfies/Taking Pics during gameplay. Wait until the middle or end of each inning to do this. There is no good reason for you to have to block everyone else who is trying to watch the game. Stop being selfish.

Getting up/sitting down during at bats. Just wait until the at bat is over. All you are doing is annoying the hell out of the other people in your row every time you get up or sit down. If it’s an emergency we get it. But after the third time you are grabbing a beer/hitting the bathroom in the same inning, you aren’t getting by me easily.

The wave- I don’t know who thinks its a good idea to do it, but it happens then something goes bad for the Mets. There are a lot of us there who are trying to watch the game and not get into this silliness.

You could tell a ton of “fans” were there for the event of seeing the “Hot winning Mets team” for date night Saturday night. Guys wearing polo shirts and khaki pats and gals wearing dresses, skirts, and high heels. You can tell they have no clue about the game.

Now saying all that it’s great to see the park hopping and if this keeps up do we keep Sandy to his word that if the fans show up then the Mets can make upgrades in the payroll and additional pieces the team might need down the road.

Let’s teach all these new folks some baseball etiquette. Hey Mets, if you want I can shoot an instructional video at the ball park about this if you want. I’ll do it for free just to help get the word out.

*PS- I have seen a lot and I mean a lot of Chinese knock off jerseys at the ballpark this weekend. You can tell them from a mile away. You aren’t fooling anyone. You don’t want to pay full price for a jersey, wait for a sale or buy a replica. Those bogus jerseys are horrible.

– Posted by @mediagoon using BlogPress from my iPhone