High five for The Apple (link)

Wow, I was poking around the internet for stuff for the week and decided to see what Randy from The Apple was up to…just look at these (fake) headlines…go check it out!

Franco and Turk swung by Kiddie Field

A quick note from Robert:

I was at kiddie field with my son Saturday night and Franco and Wendell made a suprise appearance at kiddie field and held a 20 minute pitching clinic. They were great with all the kids and stayed to sign autographes. Please put this one in the column for the things the Mets have done right this year

Lost Mets

Yep, this is a rerun from the off-season, before all this black and white stuff and the temple and Jacob and all that – but it’s still fun and it’s my last chance to use it.

Gotta be honest, ESPN won’t get much out of me tonight.  Man I hate Sunday Night Baseball.  (The game is on espn3.com if you’re looking to keep an eye on it and watch Lost.)

Many Mets fans feel as if the franchise is Lost.  It seems as if we have been stuck in the middle of nowhere since before the Red Sox won the World series.   Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned.

Jack Shephard: the handsome, charismatic yet reluctant leader.  David Wright.  If anyone is to get us off the island, it will be David.

Sawyer: a cocky wisecracking flawed individual.  We’ll need one of these to get us off the island.  In retrospect it may have been Paul LoDuca.  In the present, it may be the return of Wally Backman.

Hurley: every generation needs a jolly big-man.  Whether it’s Sid Fernandez or Rusty Staub (or on other islands, David Wells), you need one of these.   Current Hurley: none.

Ben Linus: brought here by his father, he has been on the island for a long time.   Ben claims to have our best interest in mind, yet none of us trust him.   Controls everything on the island and his moves often seen to make no sense.  Jeff Wilpon.

Richard Alpert: the adviser to Ben.  Those on the island are told to trust him for his wisdom.  Richard is rumored to have had great success at an island called Montreal, which has since been abandoned.  Omar Minaya.

Continue reading “Lost Mets”

Most Popular articles on Mets Police (May 23 edition)

Here’s the weekly recap of the most popular articles.

You may have missed it because it was published Friday after 5 – David Howard was on WFAN and I took notes.

Folks seems to like the Mets Police guide to Citi Field for Yankees fans. It’s a little catty.

Is the plan to win or give the impression of trying?

Don’t forget, Citi Field tours start next weekend.

And next weekend the Mets will wear horribly ugly Stars and Stripes caps.

Here’s the video of Keith sleeping during a game – since then he has said he was pretending.

The folks over at Citi2Shea wonder if it’s fair to charge more for handicapped seats.

Don’t forget we have a Blue Cap Army meeting on Tuesday.

Some older stuff:

Videos and pics of the Bark in the Park parade

31 Pictures from inside the Champions Club

Promenade Foot Court 2010

Continue reading “Most Popular articles on Mets Police (May 23 edition)”