Keith Hernandez Mustrash videos

I think I’ve been all-slacker on this. Apparently Keith is part of an advertising campaign. I want this to be funnier. Really want to like but….

(there’s many of these. at the end of the video you’ll be able to select others.)

In better news, this did remind me to fix my lineups for the day.

Anyone recall a pitcher at second base for Mets?

Does anyone recall a pitcher taking an emergency inning at second base sometime in the late 1970’s?

I thought I remembered something and even emailed the pitcher I thought it was.  He quickly emailed back (thanks for that, I’m not name-dropping so you don’t get bombed with emails) and doesn’t recall it.  Nor does baseball almanac.

Anyone remember such a thing?

Justice Nominee Kagan Flap: Mets fan?

From the Chicago Tribune:

According to an official White House transcript, (Obama) said:

“This appreciation for diverse views may also come in handy as a die-hard Mets fan serving alongside her new colleague-to-be, Yankees fan Justice [ Sonia] Sotomayor, who I believe has ordered a pinstripe robe for the occasion. (Laughter)”

Very funny, Mr. President.

Obama insists she’s a Mets fan. But those who knew her when she was a University of Chicago professor say she was an avid White Sox fan.

A real Mets fan would be great.  A fake one (like a certain fake Yankees fan that represented these parts for a while) isn’t necessary.   As always, just commenting on baseball – take the politics elsewhere.