Mets Jersey of the day

Today’s winner is Randy from The Apple.

I like that he picked his attire based upon the peer pressure of knowing he was meeting me.   Cerrone slipped in a orange undershirt to his combo.  Nice.

(I’m just my usual slobby self.)

Turns out, Randy went to the wrong bar.

Tommy from TheKnicksBlog saw some dude wandering Manhattan in an Ollie jersey and had a sneaking suspicion that “Ollie” was trying to find us.  He was, and it was Randy.

Good hang, and we traded some great Seaver stories.   Tommy you gotta write yours up for the class.

“So what did you guys talk about?”   Exactly what you’d think.  Blogs, hanging, nothing, Mets.  Fun time.

Fan mockup of a Mets jersey in style of 1940’s Giants

Hey Shannon,

I thought as long as it is DYI day, I’d do a mockup of a possible Mets alt. home uniform. Had to have the black dropshadow (although I know your feelings on that) because Iwithout it you couldn’t see the orange. Piping on sleeve and pants would be Dodger blue, orange and black. I’d use this with a either the black cap (possibly like the hybrid solution I sent earlier; or perhaps the NY Giants one circa 1957) or a Mets alt cap modeled on the 1940 Giants cap (replacing the red with orange).

Again, since I am void of graphic artistic skills, I used the Rawlings uniform maker. I envision the Lettering across the chest to be similar to that used by the Giants in 1957. Also, the NY logo sleeve patch would not have a black background, but would be orange with a blue outline (not changed because of my lack of photoshop skills).

Let me know what you think.


Hmmm…I love that Giants uniform, but I think the block letters belong to another team.  Wanna like, but (makes Randy Jackson face) I dunno dawg….(shrugs).