19 pictures of Citizen’s Bank Park

Good morning.   I am off being Daddy, but I had all these pictures of Citizen’s Bank Park that I took earlier in the year and couldn’t think of what to do with them…so this series seems like a good excuse….and let’s face it, is anyone’s photography better than mine?   Let’s get to it:

Starting in the second row, you’ll see their center field area.  It’s fun and had lots of stuff to keep Junior occupied.

I don’t know what a Chickie’s & Pete’s is but it seems to be Philladelphian for Shake Shack, at least in terms of line.  I think I recall something like Crab Fries being offered which seemed interesting.  However, I don’t do lines.   (I’m sure i’m about to get a massive flood of education about Chickie’s & Pete’s.)

In the third row you’ll see their pitching game where the goal is to throw a strike.  Junior did.  His dad can’t.  Junior is lefty and will be coming to the Mercury Mets around 2024.

In the bottom row we see an obstructed view.  If I’m David Howard I’m adding that to my defense arsenal.

I’ll have more tomorrow because I am taking part in Actual Athletic Activity so I need a pre-written piece.   Before you roll your eyes, I have pictures of how the Phillies honor their past (is it better or worse than what the Mets do?   You’ll find out) and another stadium with Statue Technology.

Dating Mr. Met?

Here’s a very entangled post…did someone date Mr. Met II? I don’t know.  I don’t even know how to explain it.  However, you will find it interesting.

I always kind of hoped Mr. Met was secretly some hot chick.  I know, weird right?

My buddy wanted to date Seaver’s daughter who was cute last time we checked about 20 years ago.

Who else wants to admit to a weird Mets fetish?

I’m gonna hang on twitter tonight @metspolice   There’s usually some good banter.  See ya there (plus or minus Mrs. Mets Police.  I may be an inning late.)

An email: thanks for the presale


I just wanted to say a public thank you to the Mets for actually thinking of their account holders when it comes to the Subway Series this year.  I was able to log on this morning and get actual decent promenade seats at regular price.  Like you, I usually avoid these games but since Mrs. “The Apple” is a *cough*  Yankees fan *cough*, it is nice to be able to take her to a game without having to go through scalpers.

The way I look at it, even if the fans re-sell, it’s better if your loyal fans are the ones re-selling because if they make money, odds are good that you will see some of that come back to you down the road.  Glad to see the lottery ditched and glad to see the Mets starting to do some consistently fan friendly stuff.

Almost makes me feel bad for taking so many cheap shots in The Apple. I’d like to think they understand we’re just having some fun.

Injoy The Floating Feeling & Let’s Go Mets,

The Mets are polling about tours of Citi Field

The Mets are polling about tours.  Shall we take the survey?

The following is a description of a potential tour concept that is being considered.

The Citi Field Tour will last approximately one (1) hour. Tour highlights may include but are not limited to the following: Press Box, productions area, suite levels, field, dugout, bullpen, clubhouse and Mets Hall of Fame & Museum.

Do you currently hold a 2010 Mets ticket plan? (Please select all that apply)
Yes – Season Ticket Holder (81 Games)
Yes – 40-Game Plan
Yes – 15-Game Plan
Yes – 6-Game Pack
Yes – Pick-a-Pack (4 Games)

Including games you have already attended, approximately how many Mets home games do you plan to attend this season (2010)?

Since I don’t want the main page to get too long, you’ll have to click more to see the rest..if you’re on the main page.
Continue reading “The Mets are polling about tours of Citi Field”

A thank you to the Mets

Throughout the day i have been writing and tweeting about the Mets and social media and blogs – and it was a post on Matthewcerrone.com that inspired all this.

I want to thank the New York Mets media department.

They sent me a usb media guide.

I didn’t say anything earlier because I was trying to be humble (didn’t want to be like hey look how cool I am, the Mets like me)– but after the twitter discussions (@metspolice) I realized it would be kind of jerky to talk about how the Mets (or any team) should interact with bloggers, and then not mention that they did interact with me.

Thank you for sending me the media guide.  Much appreciated, and I hope we can continue to have a relationship.

For other thoughts on the Mets and twitter, Eli from Brooklyn took a turn at bat and keep an eye on Matthewcerrone.com

I have a really cool post loaded to fire in 10 minutes, and my “no blogging Wenesday and Thursday” failed miserably.  I must log off.  Community, here I come.