New York Mets ticket prices: really?

Man, I know this isn’t news but I just experienced it first hand.  Seems all my kids want to go to the opener, so I decided to try and get 4 tickets together.  I even decided that maybe I would spend some bucks and get “good seats.”

First the sticker shock (!)  which quickly made me retreat to $27 promenade reserves….but then I clicked and was offered 4 “Metropolitan Box Bronze” seats.  $203 + fees = $860.   Eight Sixty.  Really?  $860?  You expect me to take a family of 4 to a game for $860????  Really?

Gotta tell you, when you show me ticket options and start with $460 then $450 and the 13th cheapest option is still $203 and it takes until the 22nd cheapest option to get to $98 my reaction is to tell you to go hose yourself.

Pay attention…there are 21 ticket options above $100 and 13 over $200.   Family of 4: over $400 before you eat or park.

I understand it’s a business.   I hope they can get the prices they’re charging.

I bought zero.  Who the heck is paying these prices?

(I have two already as part of my 6-pack, was trying to get 4 together for the family).

Mets Police: home life sitcom edition

Some advice from y’all:

Mets Police Junior really wants to come to Opening Day.  I have a ticket.  He doesn’t have perfect attendance, I will let him come.

He owns a blue/black hybrid hat and he likes it.  He’s 6.

I’m the so-called leader of the Blue Cap Army so I will be there with my blue cap and Mets Police #86 jersey…but I’ll have this kid with me in a hybrid cap.

The obvious solution is to get him to wear a blue one.  I get it.

This morning I tried to picture what will happen when he wants to wear the hybrid.  Anyone out there married?

“Honey, see I’m the leader of the Blue Cap Army and if he wears this then all these guys I don’t know will make fun of me and then my blog will be stupid and….”

Picture the Marge Simpson face.

So what do you think?  Will you guys pick on me?  Can we all agree he’s 6 and it’s cool ?   In the meantime I will try to use jedi mind tricks on him.

Times reports on obstructed views at Mets’ Citi Field

I’m very excited this morning.  I have an exclusive pre-sale opportunity to buy Mets tickets.   I actually have a few posts rattling around my brain and can’t wait to work on them.  For the leadoff spot, here’s some quickies.

Remember back on February 9th when Mets Police told you the Mets had admitted there are obstructed views at Citi? The NY Times has caught on (so I guess it’s now “official” and not some kook with a blog saying it) and wrote about it in Bats today.   The Times says their call was not returned.

Speaking of returning calls, remember I was ticked off at the Bisons for their non-response to my request to see if we could get a guy credentialed up there?   Well a nice man named Chris Hill has gotten back to me.  The ball is now in my court to take action, which I will today.  I hope they let out guy get in, but at least they acknowledged the request.  The silence was what annoyed me.  If they don’t want some dopey blog in their house I will be disappointed but understand.

In the comments, ElPrimo mentioned that the Mets were annoying yesterday and wore the hybrid hats with the now-primary whites.  Yes it was annoying.  I was tempted to go off on it, but I decided I would give them two days rather than overreact (even though it was annoying.)  Expect a rip job early this afternoon.

Interest in the Blue Cap Army has picked up. Please “register” on this page if you’d like to join us.   For whatever reason the registration link doesn’t work on the Main Mets Police page, only on pages with one post, and I haven’t been able to debug it.

What I’m thinking: we gather a half hour before the gates open, go to the museum, go check out McFadden’s, then see what everyone wants to do.  Bring a blue cap.  That’s sort of the point.  Also this is a celebration of Mets fans, not an opportunity to group-nitpick.  The idea is not to go into the museum to look for every little thing to complain about, but rather to enjoy it together.

You don’t want to be related to someone that has done something illegal

“….you don’t want to be related to someone that has done something illegal.”

I’m glad I found that quote and I will tell you in a second who said it.

I’m glad you enjoy my blog but there’s lots of days I am writing it just for me. It’s therapy. I used to waste this stuff on 4 knucklehead buddies on an email chain, but taking the conversation public has really been enjoyable, especially now that I have new friends in the comments section.

This was going to be one of those soul searching articles written just for me. Then I found the quote.

It bothers me that the FBI talked to Reyes. Now it bothers me to learn they talked to Beltran.

I accuse noone of anything. I’m just saying it bothers ME.

I look at the other names and I see A-Rod and Tiger Woods. You start a list with those two and I half expect the next two names to be Ghengis Khan and Colonel Green (that’s for you Trekkies, everyone else look it up).

I think of every half-rumor of the last 20 years. I think of how Canseco was called a moron when he wrote a book. I think of 1998. I wonder what the FBI is after. I worry. I wanted this to go away not add another name.

I think about my confidence when it comes to anything related to the Mets and medical treatment. I worry.

So far the commenters on the blog think the story is nothing. Do you?

“Like I say, you don’t want to be related to someone that has done something illegal.”. Those are the words of Carlos Beltran

MLB At Bat 2010 app has been released

The very cool Biz of Baseball site reports that the 2010 MLB At Bat app has been released. The price has gone up to $14.99 but I will definitely get it.  I found myself using it a lot last year.  It’s particularly useful for listening to the away broadcasts of Yankees games (when I’m in the mood for baseball and the Mets aren’t playing).

Late last year they offered video from games which was very cool because it was just an unedited camera feed.  You could pick ‘upper deck high” and pretend you were sitting in the Promenade (unobstructed view), and it’s always fun to see the camera guys scan the audience for hot girls between innings.  I don’t yet know if we’ll get video from the get go.

“Real job” has me too busy to watch the Mets this afternoon.  I’m sure I’ll catch the result but looks like I’ll have to watch the DVR tonight to get my fix.  It almost killed me staying off Twitter (@metspolice) on Sunday afternoon to avoid the hockey score until I got home.