Working Out With The Captain

I just got this from the yankees mailing list. Really dudes?  This is kind of an A-Rod move don’t you think?

Ever dreamed of being a Yankee? Well, now you can work out like one! 24 Hour Fitness, the official fitness center of the New York Yankees, is welcoming new members at Madison Square Park. Come and give us a try!

Just print out this FREE 7-day pass to the new 24 Hour Fitness Derek Jeter club and visit the club to get started. The Captain of the Yankees personally designed this high-energy club to help you get into the best shape of your life. The club offers amenities such as cardio machines, group exercise classes, free weights, and more.

24 Hour Fitness is also getting ready to open clubs in Midtown and Soho. And they’ve got more than 400 clubs nationwide. It’s the top fitness club making its debut in New York, partnering with Derek Jeter to open his first ever signature fitness center.

Learn more about Derek Jeter clubs and visit the Madison Square Park club today!

A-Rod As Always Gets It Wrong

Poor A-Rod.  He just never knows what to do.   He never knows the right answer.

4 years ago he got killed for saying he would play for the Dominican Republican in the unnecessary silly “World Baseball Classic” (aka Thing That Makes Your Team Underprepared Coming Out Of Spring Training), then he decided to play for the United States because that was cooler.

Now four years later he will play for the DR.

Well A-Rod, which is it.   Do you represent the USA or the DR.  The answer isn’t both.   Neither answer is wrong.  Just pick one and go with it,

Here’s what A-Rod said in 2005 (from the Seattle Times):

“In recent weeks, following dialogue with caring friends and players, both Dominican and American, I reached the conclusion that if I played in the Classic, I would play for the United States and honor my American citizenship,” former Mariners shortstop Rodriguez said in a statement on his Web site.

“I appreciate the support and understanding of my fellow Dominican players and friends who aided me in making this decision. The World Baseball Classic offers baseball and its fans an exciting new forum and I look forward, if selected, to representing the United States in what will be baseball’s greatest international competition.”

Why the change now Alex?   Pick something and stick with it – like being a Texas Ranger for example.

The Mets Are 7 Players From Contending

I was thinking about the 2009 Mets and here’s what we know:

1B Delgado
SS OverReyes
3B Wright
CF Beltran
P  Santana
P  Maine

A nice enough “core” (new cool baseball term that showed up in 2008, brought to you by the people that invented “walk-off”).

So all Omar has to do is go out and get someone to play C, 2B, LF, RF, 3/5 of the starting rotation and a closer.   The Mets are only seven players away from contending!

ESPN To Televise 1958 Giants Before They Were Evil PSL Sellers

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the “Greatest Game Ever Played” ESPN will show the 1958 NFL Championship Game on Saturday December 13th at 9pm. In color!

I won’t spoil it for those of you who don’t know who won.

What’s cool is that this will show the Giants before they sold their soul and started charging their long term fans $20,000 for the right to buy tickets.

I know one family who has had tickets since way back when.   Although the father has passed on, the son wrote this Open Letter To The Mara & Tisch Families.  You may even see the dad in the stands that day rooting on his team.   Check it out, should be a good show.

Since the Mets Police blog is getting more RSS pickup then when this first ran, below is the original Open Letter post.

A long time Giants season ticket holder sent this to me.

An open letter to the Mara & Tisch Families

My family have been season ticket holders for over 40 years. I grew up reading all the old programs my dad saved for me and knew about almost every player from Frank Gifford and Sam Huff down to Les Shy and Eldridge Small.

First game I went to was actually in 1975 in Shea, vs. the Cardinals, the year before Giants stadium opened. I would say at least since 1989, I have rarely missed a game other than for Weddings (one of them my own!) or some other engagement that kept me out of time. During that time, I have been there for the team for the good days and the bad days. Whether it was Phil Simms or Dave Brown, QBing. I was there.

Despite this, you now add insult to injury.

First: The insult. Actually several insults. Even after the years my father was a season ticket holder, particularly through the awful late 60s and most of the 70s, we were denied seats to Superbowl 21. At the time we understood. There was a lottery and you can only allot a few since there was only enough space for fans of both teams.

But then Superbowl 25 came along. Same thing. Denied. Again somewhat understandable. It happens.

Then Superbowl 35. Again. Okay maybe I am glad I missed going to that one.

Now Superbowl 45 comes along. Nothing again!!! By this time all of the people who must have won the lottery should have been out of it to give those a chance who didn’t go. But no, that’s not the only case. Your organization feels fit to allot tickets to so-called “VIP”s, celebrities and all sorts of other corporate bigwigs who never had any loyalty to your organization during its up and down period.

And now the injury.

Somewhere around $40K I hear for “personal seat licenses” For what? I already own my seat. Yes, I know what you are going to say “everyone does it now”

But I thought the Mara/Tisch families were the “class” of the league? You woudn’t do anything underhanded to your loyal fans like that, many of us who were not entitled to see at least one of the four superbowls?

And don’t tell me its money. From what I know the Mara and Tisch families combined are pretty damn wealthy through your various holdings. I find it hard to believe you really need to scrape up the dough to build this stadium (which you will find the majority of fans dont find necessary anyway. Again, just because “everyone else is doing it” doesn’t make it right). No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do this.

Ive always disliked front-runner fans. How about front-runner owners who only care about their fans when it is convenient to them? How about returning the loyalty to us that we have given to you for so long?

And where is the league office on this? The same league that comes down so hard on players using banned substances or exhibiting bad behavior, why not come down on the owners who commit a different form of bad behavior that is detrimental to the reason the league is in existence — the fans?

Ever since I heard the news of this PSL scam (which is what it is) I have been in somewhat in a state of denial. Many of us have been taking this sort of abuse for years on being rejected for the big game, but this is the ultimate insult.

It would be a shame to give up these tickets after so many enjoyable Fall & Winter Sundays (well maybe not all) over most of my 40 years on this earth.

To the Mara and Tisch families, you are supposed to be above the likes of the Jerry Joneses and Al Davises of the league. Now prove it.

Sincerely yours,

Alex Swingle
New York City

And since I like looking out for the little guy – here’s a link to a blog that asks if retired players are being screwed by not being paid for the ESPN cast.

Chargers-Raiders Was Like Madden

That game last night was awful (although Bob Papa is great).   It reminded me of me beating my dopey cousin in Madden.
Oh crap it’s third down, I’ll run that passing play he can’t stop.  TD.
Defensive stop in three plays.
I guess I’ll run that same pass play.  TD.
The Raiders are awful.
Meanwhile in the green side of the Meadowlands, let me Paul Mcguire them…they won’t win another game.